April 2024

Why I thought of leaving my 9 to 5 job?

close-up photo of assorted coins
close-up photo of assorted coins

After spending numerous years in the corporate world, I've come across a few compelling reasons to walk away from the typical 9 to 5 grind:

  • I lack control over my own life.

  • Everyday life has become monotonous and uninspiring.

  • Financially, I require more stability and resources.

Lack of control over my life: Lack of autonomy over my life is a significant issue that arises in the context of a traditional 9 to 5 job. What starts as an eight-hour workday often stretches into a sixteen-hour commitment, leaving little time for personal pursuits. Initially, there's a sense of fulfillment in aiding clients to enhance their businesses. However, over time, it becomes evident that this is an endless endeavor, with clients perpetually unsatisfied and always craving more. Maintaining polite professionalism is paramount, as any misstep could result in losing valuable business relationships. Ultimately, this relentless cycle consumes one's life, overshadowing personal relationships and leaving little room for anything outside of work.

Monotonous and uninspiring life: Recognizing the monotony and lack of inspiration inherent in this lifestyle is crucial. Each day feels like a repetition of the last, devoid of excitement or motivation. The routine becomes stifling, suffocating any spontaneity or joy. Tasks lose their significance, and the future holds little promise. Creativity diminishes, passion fades, and enthusiasm wanes as life becomes a mere existence.

To break free from this cycle, I felt the urgent need to inject new experiences, cultivate curiosity, and rediscover the beauty in the everyday moments.

Financially, I require more stability and resources: My job consistently reminds me that the effort I contribute to the organization merits compensation far beyond my current pay scale. Additionally, to truly savour life's pleasures, a more substantial income and financial security are essential. However, transitioning from a corporate career, which I've dedicated five years to, to a more fulfilling and financially rewarding lifestyle cannot happen overnight. Consequently, I've been actively seeking a side hustle that aligns with my interests and doesn't demand all of my time, allowing me to earn additional income. Should my supplementary earnings offer sufficient financial stability in the foreseeable future, I can confidently leave my 9 to 5 job and embrace a more fulfilling and enjoyable lifestyle.

There are several ways to earn extra income but we have to keep in mind that none of those will give us instant flow of money. We have to work patiently and learn how each of those work. My step by step guide on top 5 side hustle programs will help you understand the the programs and I hope it will also inspire you to start your own side hustle.

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How will life be without a 9 to 5 job?

All my life, I've been someone who likes to keep things simple and avoid taking big risks. After I finished school, I got a job at a well-known company, and I've been there ever since, for five years now. While the job pays the bills, I've realized it doesn't bring me much joy. It's like I'm stuck in a routine and don't have time to try new and exciting things.

4/5/20243 min read